South Africa is home to millions of orphans and vulnerable children. At Kin Culture we believe in family in its most beautiful, expansive, inclusive and redemptive sense. We believe in family where guests become relatives, where homes are opened and love and burdens are shared. This bigger, more beautiful picture of family is what the church can offer the world – a family of families to vulnerable children. As such, our mission is to build and support a community of loving, generous families to provide homes for vulnerable children.

In 2014 Kin Culture was officially formed as a community to create a ‘home’ for children in need of alternative care. It was during the early years that we spent many nights around the table and dozens of meetings with many stakeholders to put this dream into practice.
As with any good story, we have seen many ideas come and go, been able to see what others are doing and altered our path where necessary. Kin Culture is now focussed on providing support to our network of families doing foster care around the Western Cape.
Kin Culture is now involved in:

Recruiting and assisting families in the process of foster care

We offer support and guidance along the way to prevent failed placements.

Providing practical support and training
You can click the following link for our latest 2023/24 Annual Report.