It’s 2016 and Kin Culture fires away!
Hello dear friends!
We have reached the 6 week mark. So how is that new years resolution coming along? Are you on a diet, changing a habit or starting a new sport? As far as resolutions are concerned, we at KIN Culture have much to say, but building a brighter future for orphans and vulnerable children are at the top of the list.
Around the Cape Peninsula we have become accustomed to serious heat and veld fires around this time of year and for us it was no different. On a typically hot summers afternoon a fire started on the south side of the N1 and made it’s way across the highway onto Hoopenberg farm, immediately igniting an explosion of prayers. At the time workers were busy erecting tunnels for the blueberries, which were about to be planted. These tunnels were also being covered with nylon and plastic. The tunnels were in the line of the fire. What happened next was nothing short of miraculous.
The fire ran all along the side of these tunnels, without causing any damage. From there the wind took the fire on a round-about to the bottom part of the farm, dodging all the structures. Eventually the fire started moving back towards the main part of the farm where the renovated house and other buildings are which we have been working hard on to take into use this year. It was at about this point when the fire turned around and ran out of “steam”. None of the buildings or even more remarkably, the tunnels and kilometers of nylon was harmed.
Looking back at what happened we realise that this was part of God’s hand over us and we are thankful towards God for a miracle like this.
We will share more news with you in the next few weeks, but for now let’s enjoy God’s kindness.