Our online shop has been well received and the products are obviously a hit. During the month of June we had a pop-up store in Long street, Cape Town. This was a fantastic opportunity to get a feel for the retail market. KIN Culture collaborated with MovePretty, Bright Owl and ButtaNutt for the successful launch of the #LocalInLong pop-up store at 150 Long street. The idea of working with people who recognise the value of innovation and making the world a better place was something we could not resist. After many brainstorming and planning meetings the shop was opened by Alaine Reesberg, World Design Capital 2014 CEO, on a rainy winters evening in the CBD.
The next point on the agenda is an exciting partnership developing between KIN Culture and a local business venture. Presently the only information that we can divulge is that this relationship would not only give us the possibility of purchasing a piece of land in the Winelands area, but could also become a very fruitful venture in the future.
Furthermore, we continue to work on various departments in preparation for the village. Our own business, education and social welfare structures are making promising progress. In the coming weeks there are a number of important meetings taking place, ranging from government to environmental sustainability to business opportunities.
KIN Culture is a family of like-minded people with a common goal. Thank you for your support and contributions. If you would like to get on board with this vision, it is best that you do so now by praying with us and considering your own contribution to making South Africa better for our children.
Remember Mandela Day is around the corner, do your 67 minutes this month.